SEDS Conference 2025
The Canadian Space Conference is the flagship conference of SEDS-ÉEDS Canada. We had the chance to attend guest lectures, panel discussions, workshops, and booths by space industry companies to learn more about this emerging sector. ​​The conference aims to bridge the gap between the space industry and students, providing a platform for young talent to find their own place in Canada’s space industry.

MDA Tour
During our trip to Montreal for the SEDS meeting, we had the opportunity to visit MDA's world class facilities. MDA have been an amazing partner for CalgaryToSpace; providing the team with technical expertise, hosting exclusive networking events for students and donating $10,000 to our club. We hope to continue to have this great relationship with MDA, a leader in the Canadian space industry.

Info Night 2024
Hosted annual recruitment for new cohort, showcasing club projects and opportunities.

Hexagon Tour
Invited to the Hexagon Headquarters/office. Sponsor, future career opportunities.

ESA Trip
Students were invited to Belgium to assess the structural integrity of the satellite by simulating the launch conditions of a rocket by shaking the satellite at a range of frequencies in the Z, X, and Y axis.

SEDS Conference 2024
Some of our team members had the opportunity to attend the 2024 SEDS Canada Space Conference, where they explored cutting-edge innovations in space, discovered where we fit into Canada’s space industry, and learned about educational opportunities for students. A major highlight was meeting former astronaut Robert Thirsk in person, whose achievements and insights continue to inspire our team.

#calgarytospace in the News: