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Satellite 1's mission will be a maiden voyage for CalgaryToSpace, and will also be the first student-built satellite launched in the history of Calgary.


With each unit measuring

10cm x 10cm x 10cm, CubeSats are a type of nanosatellite. Their compact size makes for a much more affordable mission.


Satellite 1 is a 3-Unit CubeSat, approximately 30cm long, with room for both scientific instruments and all of the systems essential for operation.


CTS-SAT-1 will serve as a scientific platform for a Miniaturized Plasma Imager, developed at the University of Calgary by Dr. Johnathan Burchill. It will also serve as a test platform for a novel Deployable Composite Lattice Boom which will be monitored by a camera.


The MPI in particular poses a strict set of requirements for its operation, which presents challenges to the design of Satellite 1.


Mini Plasma Imager


The Mini Plasma Imager is based on the ESA Swarm mission's thermal ion imagers and will investigate upper atmospheric ionized winds.


A version of this MPI has been flown on rockets and the current version is being adapted for long-term satellite deployment. This will be the MPI's first long-term mission.


MPI In the News!



Deployable Composite Lattice Boom


The boom is designed by PhD candidate Nick Elderfield at the University of Calgary and will be manufactured by the University's composite materials lab.

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